Train and learn English Irregular Verbs conjugation in 4 steps


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Test, lesson, list, verb, irregular, English, exercise, exercises, interactive, learn,english, college, high, school, preterite, past participle, on-line, free
Learn, test, revise the English irregular verbs with online corrected interactive exercises. Create your own English irregular verbs list, then train.
An exercise to learn easily English irregular verbs. Select irregular verbs to learn. The verbs display one by one to memorize them.
Free interactive exercise about English irregular verbs. Select your own English irregular verbs list, learn them, then train to write them (Infinitive, Preterite, Past participle).
Learn English irregular verbs, with free online corrected exercises.
Learn English irregular verbs with online corrected interactive exercises. Select your own irregular verbs list, learn and test your knowledge!
English irregular verbs in 4 steps
Exercise 2
Train and learn English Irregular Verbs conjugation in 4 steps
4 steps to learn english irregular verbs :
Select your verbs
Select your English irregular verbs
Create your personalized list with English irregular verbs you want.
Learn your verbs
Learn your English irregular verbs
All your selected verbs display one by one to learn them better.
Exercise - place verbs
Train and place irregular verbs at the right place.
Exercise - write verbs
Train and write English irregular verbs.
Select English irregular verbs you want to learn. To select a verb, click above. (The verb is selected when it is yellow.)
You can sort irregular verbs list on the English infinitive. Click on
Select all the list
Erase the list
Choose the speed :
Known verbs. Do not display.
Select options
. (Number of verbs, order, columns ...)
exercise options
The verb will be given
The shown columns
Verbs will be sorted out on
At random
Not sorted out
I want to learn
All the verbs list
Verbs I don't know
Verbs number
Validate and show the exercise
Write the verbs in the input fields.
Move labels at the right place, or click above to place them in order.
You marked all the verbs as knew. There are not verbs anymore to be shown.
To show the verbs, in the "options", checks the box
"I want to show all the list verbs".
You have to mark at least one verb in the list.
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Other verbs at random
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Contact the administrator
Contact us is a website realized by teachers.
It was created to facilitate english irregular verbs apprenticeship. Pupils can work in autonomy with their own irregular verbs list.
Three exercises modes allow to get acquainted gradually.
More and more schools use this website to learn the irregular verbs. Do not hesitate to join us!

If you have comments or suggestions to make about these English irregular verbs exercises, you can contact us. We will bring modifications, as possible.
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